HACC_IO is a IO-performace benchmark. It uses a n-body simmulation, to simulate collisionless fluids in space.
After downloading and compiling with make CXX=mpicc you can run the benchmark with mpirun -np <number of processes> ./HACC_IO <number of particles> <filename>
Here are some example runs:
1 Process
mpirun -np 1 ./HACC_IO 10000000 mpitest
-------- Aggregate Performance -------- WRITE Checkpoint Perf: 629.866 BW[MB/s] 405165824 Bytes 0.613458 MaxTime[sec] -------- Aggregate Performance -------- READ Restart Perf: 936.398 BW[MB/s] 405165824 Bytes 0.412641 MaxTime[sec] CONTENTS VERIFIED... Success
4 Processes
mpirun -np 4 ./HACC_IO 10000000 mpitest
-------- Aggregate Performance -------- WRITE Checkpoint Perf: 153.236 BW[MB/s] 1545165824 Bytes 9.61643 MaxTime[sec] -------- Aggregate Performance -------- READ Restart Perf: 1292.3 BW[MB/s] 1545165824 Bytes 1.14028 MaxTime[sec] CONTENTS VERIFIED... Success