Table of Contents


S3aSim is a sequence similarity search algorithm framework for testing and evaluating various I/O strategies using MPI-IO.


Let Makefile point to your MPI installation and make. There are some parameters to control the benchmark. Get a list by runing

mpirun -np 1 s3asim-test -h

Example Output

For example runnning with default parameters mpirun -np 4 s3asim-test -q 10 -Q 1000 -d 10 -D 1000 -m 10 -M 1000 -p 1 results in the following output

Using default output file 'default'
Using simple uniform query size distribution
Using simple uniform database size distribution
#################### Experimental Settings #################
numprocs                                = 4
total_frags                             = 10
query_count                             = 10
query_size_min                          = 10
query_size_max                          = 1000
database_sequence_size_min              = 10
database_sequence_size_max              = 1000
result_size_min                         = 1
result_count_min                        = 10
result_count_max                        = 1000
compute_speed                           = 1.000000
io_method                               = individual
parallel_io                             = 1
query_sync                              = 0
output_file                             = default
atomicity                               = 0
end_write                               = 0
maximum data / query                    = 3000000
hints                                   = N/A

[06/07 12:28] M:Processed a total of 5435809
Phase             |    M: time    |% of total|    W: time    |% of total
Setup             |    0.013      |   0.1    |    0.014      |   0.1
Data Distribution |   11.079      |  97.7    |    0.027      |   0.2
Compute           |    0.000      |   0.0    |   10.821      |  95.4
Merge Results     |    0.000      |   0.0    |    0.012      |   0.1
Gather Results    |    0.174      |   1.5    |    0.001      |   0.0
I/O               |    0.000      |   0.0    |    0.415      |   3.7
Sync              |    0.068      |   0.6    |    0.015      |   0.1
Other             |    0.004      |   0.0    |    0.032      |   0.3
Total             |   11.338      | 100.0    |   11.338      | 100.0

Output has been created using version 1.0.0.